
September 2022 Newsletter

NAHA is getting ready for winter on the Reservations by acquiring more truckloads of nutritious food, warm clothing, bedding/blankets, etc., which will get delivered to the communities within the next month. The temperature is going from 96 degrees down to 60 degrees by the end of this week and that is a clear sign that we need to prepare them for the start of winter when the winds start blowing and the temperatures are in the single digits or colder! See below at some of the terrific food and bedding/blankets we are taking to the communities on the Reservations!

We do have an urgent request that needs your attention immediately. We need your help to be able to provide Emergency Vouchers to the Native Americans in need. NAHA’s Emergency Voucher program allows cold and hungry Native American families to receive food for their children, heat their homes during the bitterly cold winter months and care for their ailing elders. Evening temperatures are already dropping into the low 30’s and it won’t be long before the temperatures will be life threatening. The pressing need for NAHA vouchers is made clear by just a few of the harsh realities of Reservation life:

  • Over 80% unemployment;
  • Not enough food to last through the end of the month;
  • Ramshackle housing with little or no insulation to ward off the cold;
  • Threadbare clothing that gives little protection against biting blizzard winds.

The need for NAHA vouchers is greater than ever. Please be generous!!!

Such terrible conditions help explain why the normal life expectancy on the Reservation is only 58 years of age, as well as why your support of our Emergency Voucher program is so urgently needed.

Please remember that your past gifts have helped…

  • Provide mattresses to Native American families so they are no longer sleeping on the floor.
  • Purchase and deliver small propane heating stoves and fuel through our Operation Winter Rescue program to give families emergency heat during power or fuel outages.
  • Dress small Native American children in warm clothing through our Winter Life-Guard program.
  • Sustain NAHA Food Bank deliveries to far-flung Reservations across South Dakota and Wyoming.

Please donate today so we can keep our Emergency Voucher program going and help as many families as we possibly can!

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