Whistle Blower Policy

October 21, 2008

This will now be part of Native American Heritage Association’s company policy:

Any employee witnessing illegal, unethical, or conduct which they perceive to be in breach of the fiduciary duty of this organization to its supporters should report same without fear of retaliation or retribution. If you witness such conduct taking place in another department, then you should report the incident to your department head. If the conduct you have witnessed involves your department head, then you should report it to the president of the organization. If the conduct you have witnessed involves the president of the organization, then you should report to either the chairman of the board of directors of the organization, or its general counsel.

Keep in mind, the standard of witnessing behavior that is illegal, unethical, or in breach of the fiduciary duty is very high. The failure of an employee to meet acceptable employment standards is not a form of breach conduct that should be reported under this provision.