
May 2016 Newsletter

We have been working diligently on the Reservations making sure they have nutritious food on their tables, clothing to wear, heat in their homes and other basic necessities that help them survive on a daily basis.  With gas prices at an all-time low, which is great for the consumer, has also created additional unemployment issues on the Reservations. Unemployment on the Reservations is substantially higher than the national averages. Of the Native Americans fortunate enough to be employed, there are a surprising number working in the oil fields of Wyoming, North Dakota and Montana. Unfortunately, the lower gas prices have caused many of them to be laid off, leaving more families in need of food and the other life sustaining items that NAHA brings to the Reservations.

The calls have already started coming in asking for Emergency Vouchers.  The vouchers help with food and heating fuel. Even though it’s May, the Reservations continue to get snow and cold weather and homes still need to be heated.  Native Americans don’t want to have to rely on others for food, clothes for their children or heat for their homes. Some will go days before realizing they have nowhere else to turn. Our Native American brothers and sisters face many harsh realities of Reservation life:

  • Over 80% unemployment;
  • Not enough food to last through the end of the month;
  • Poor housing with little or no insulation;
  • No heat in their homes to ward off the cold; and,
  • No money to buy medicine, clothing or other basics you and I might take for granted.

Your contributions have helped NAHA purchase and deliver truckloads of food such as potatoes, dairy product, nutritional snacks and drinks. We have delivered truckloads of flooring, clothing, shoes, blankets, paper products, medical supplies and many more products that help them on a daily basis. All of these purchases and distributions would not be made possible without our generous and caring supporters such as yourself.

Won’t you donate today so we can make sure the families that are in the greatest need get these Vouchers so they can provide for their families? We desperately need your help and support. Please share this email newsletter with friends and family so we can reach more supporters and get the word out that the Native Americans in South Dakota are in dire need of help. We have been a 4-star charity with Charity Navigator for 11 years and 95% of our budget goes towards our program services. You may visit for more information on our organization.

*****NAHA is not affiliated with any other Native American organization that claims to work on the Reservations we serve*****

Thank you in advance for your support, we greatly appreciate it!!!

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