
We hope you find these sites helpful, and remember we work very hard to improve the life on the Reservations in South Dakota which would not be possible without the help of our many generous donors.

“Changing Lives” The Sioux Nation: Please click the link below to see how life really is on the Reservations and how the Native Americans are in dire need of our help. Big thanks to Dream Maker Nation for making this video. Over the years our donors and friends have requested information regarding powwows.  We have found this site helpful and hope you do as well. For those of you who are trying to trace your heritage, you might find this website very useful.

Here is another link to help trace your family’s history based on ship passenger lists. This has proved to be very helpful in finding family history. Native American Heritage Association is proud to announce Rock Legends Cruise XI which will set sail February 22-February 26, 2024. This cruise will help benefit the Native Americans who are in need of our help, living on the Reservations in South Dakota. Please click the link below to find out more. Please visit Charity Navigator for more information on our 18th 4-star rating. Also, 97% of our budget goes towards our program services.