Contact Us

If you would like to contact Native American Heritage Association, you may reach us at either of our two offices. Our office in South Dakota implements all phases of our Program Services and our Virginia office handles all Administrative functions. Your donations are used for the support of Native Americans only on the Sioux Reservations of South Dakota.

If you wish to include NAHA in your Will or any other type of bequest and have questions regarding this, please contact our Virginia office.

You may also contact us by email at

All monetary tax-deductible donations should be sent to either of the following addresses:

Native American Heritage Association
P.O. Box 512
Rapid City, SD 57709
605-341-9110 (telephone number)
605-341-9113 (fax number)

Native American Heritage Association
830-F John Marshall Hwy.
Front Royal, VA 22630
540-636-1020 (telephone number)
540-636-1464 (fax number)

You can also make a tax-deductible donation through our confidential and secure website.

If you wish to send any “gently” used clothing, toys, household or personal care items, please send them to the following address. Please be sure to include your name and address on both the inside and outside of the box to insure that you receive proper tax receipt information.

Native American Heritage Association
12085 Quaal Rd.
Black Hawk, SD 57718

For questions and information on donating stocks to NAHA, please contact:

Scott Snyder
Senior Vice President – Investment Officer
Wells Fargo Advisors

Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC

7600 Wisconsin Avenue – Suite 900
Bethesda, MD 20814
Toll Free: (800) 368-2704
Direct Line: (301) 961-0128
Fax: (301) 656-5855